Blessings in the Journey

moms celebrate the difference

Good morning and thank you so much for taking the time to stop by my blog! This week is so special to me in many ways not only am I taking part in this amazing 'Celebrating Moms Blog Hop', but I am also celebrating being a teacher and mother... and the two are forever entwined!

I knew becoming a mom would forever change my life  but I didn't realize the fullness of how amazing it would be! Some people search their whole lives for their purpose and I found my God-given purpose in teaching after becoming a mother and I feel so blessed and privileged to carry both titles! On this journey of being a mother I have learned so much but I have also faced much negativity and stereotypes, but through it all God had a greater purpose. The negative comments and stereotypes of being a "minority" pushed me to strive higher and press harder not only as a mom but in ever area of my life. No matter the circumstances - with God you are the majority!

  "Imagine, who you want your children to be and then be that!" ~ Author Unknown

As a child, I didn't have the best upbringing or parenting and I have had to over come homelessness, poverty and witnessing domestic violence. So when I became a mother I promised myself that no matter what it took, I was going to give my children a better life. With that being said, motherhood is a journey and on this journey I have had the wonderful privilege of spending every day with my little princesses; watching them grow, learn and play! So this week I celebrate the blessing of overcoming, finding my purpose, being a teacher and being a mother! I encourage everyone who reads this to continue to press forward and value your precious little blessings each day. Sometimes life gives us lemons but their is something about not becoming better that makes the journey a little sweeter!

God bless,

If you are a blogger and you have a story or something to share on how you celebrated motherhood, feel free to add a link to your post so we can read your story as well. Note: by sharing you give us permission to feature you (attributing of course).